Monday, May 29, 2017

Trece de Agosto

Many old streets in Manila were named "Trece de Agosto," this was the day when Manila fell to the hands of the Americans in 1898 and was declared a public holiday (Republic Act 214) during the American colonial years, celebrated the day in Manila by a long parade of American troops. The taking over of Manila later the whole Philippines by the Americans was invalid, it was Aguinaldo's rebel forces not the Americans who vanquished the Spaniards in the arrabales (suburbs of Intramuros [Manila]) and controlled the rest of the country. American war correspondent F.D. Miller wrote… "the Insurgents had accomplished wonders in forcing the enemy (Spanish) to retire to their inner line of defenses, though they were practically without artiller." The U.S. government used "Trece de Agosto" to confirm their takeover of the Philippines and made the whole archipelago their colony. 

A secret pact between the Spanish Governor-General Fermin Jaudenes, American Admiral George Dewey and General Wesley Merritt enable the Americans to claim and take what they have not won. Aguinaldo and his rebel troops were not allowed to enter Spanish Intramuros (Manila) were also ordered to leave and give up what they have already won and occupied areas like Malate, San Miguel, Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc and Tondo. Under the law of war, Americans had no right to occupy what they have not conquered they used their victory at Manila Bay to possess the whole country. The Americans broke the peace treaty when they took Spanish Intramuros (Manila) on August 13, 1898 because on August 12, the U.S. President McKinley had ordered a suspension of all military operations against the enemy because the U.S. and Spain agreed to a peace meet in Paris (Treaty of Paris). When the Americans occupied Manila on August 13, a cease of any act of hostilities had been proclaimed and all U.S. land and sea commanders had been ordered to avoid from actions inconsistent with that proclamation. So the occupation of the city is invalid, illegal and against the orders of the president who is the commander in chief. Admiral George Dewey knew this and gave part of the same order "Land soldiers are not allowed any positions, save several hundred yards from the Insurgents’ frontlines."

The illegal occupation of Manila didn't stop General Merritt not to leave or vacate Intramuros, scared that the Filipino rebels who were the real victors might take over the city, who were stopped from entering the city while the Americans raised their flag inside the wall city and claimed the victory. The U.S. won not only the peace meet in Paris but bought the last island colonies of Spain: Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines with Guam for $20 million and the treaty was signed on December 10, 1898 and ended the Spanish-American War but ensuing Philippine-American War that the U.S. claim of the Philippines colony they "maintained" for more than half century because of a mock-battle, pretended victory that was invalid and illegal. But this is not the end of it, after 47 years it happened again. During World War 2, General Douglas MacArthur escaped for a sure capture of the invading Japanese forces, left his duties, responsibilities and his troops that were taken prisoners. The Hubalahap and other Filipino guerrillas were already winning the war against the bankrupt Japanese imperialists. MacArthur returned and claimed the victory and the "liberation of Manila" was indeed the destruction of Manila which is unnecessary, the bombing that killed many Filipino civilians was an act to show Uncle Sam's power to the world and to rebuild MacArthur's ego that was damaged when Bataan and Corregidor were surrendered, when he abandoned his duties, responsibilities and his American soldiers taken prisoners by the Japanese. Manila was second to Warsaw as the most devastated cities after WW-2. The sad part about this destruction, Uncle Sam with MacArthur's recommendation right after WW-2, helped and aided Japan the enemy, abandoned his colony the Philippines, gave the country a fake independence to avoid expensive reparation which he himself destroyed.
- ka tony
the 13th of August, 2016

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